MEDENER, the Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is organizing in partnership with the Algerian Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of the Energy Use (APRUE), the 4th MEDENER International Energy Transition Conference, under the high patronage of his excellence Mr. Salah Khabri, Minister of Energy, on the sidelines of the Algeria-EU Energy business forum:
Accelerating the Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region: towards a new sustainable energy mix.
What role for Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Gas ?
May, 25th 2016
El-Djazair Hotel , Algiers, Algeria
In 2040, the Mediterranean region will face a triple challenge: demographic with at minimum a doubling of the urban population, energetic due to an increase in energy demand of almost 60%, and climatic as consequence of an increase of about 50% in the greenhouse gas emissions.
In this context, the process of energy transition is a priority for all Mediterranean countries in the region, considered as climatic “hot-spot”. Today, the dynamics of the energy transition are engaged and the Euro-Mediterranean regional cooperation is able to strengthen its role by accelerating the implementation of the Energy Efficiency improvement policy and the promotion of Renewable Energies with a transitional energy mix that would rely on gas.
In preparation of the COP22, the 4th MEDENER international conference will make the opportunity to join many public and private stakeholders, policy makers, investors, donors, local authorities and representatives of the civil society in order to discuss and share priorities and solutions to accelerate process of energy transition in the Mediterranean region.