By 2030, Tunisia aims to reduce its economy’s carbon footprint by 41% compared to 2010. This policy, reinforced by the implementation of an energy transition strategy in 2016, gives a primary role to local authorities, on account of their extensive property holdings, with their high energy consumption, and their status as advisors able to influence local consumption and steer citizens and businesses towards more efficient energy solutions.
However, local authorities still find themselves confronted with a lack of technical and financial resources, a dearth of expertise to manage energy projects internally and a lack of information that would allow them to draw up investment programmes in this field.
Consequently, the ANME, as part of the Alliance des Communes pour la Transition Energétique (ACTE) programme, organized three awareness workshops in Sfax, Sousse and Tunis for 350 Tunisian local authorities. The workshops provided an opportunity to present the various mechanisms and tools put in place by the ANME, in partnership with the Caisse des Prêts et de Soutien aux Collectivités locales (CPSCL) and the Centre de Formation et d’Appui à la Décentralisation (CFAD), with the assistance of the Ministry of Local Affairs and the Environment (MALE).