2016 edition Green Building & City solutions awards
3 June 2016

The Construction 21 network, in partnership with ADEME, are launching a new edition of the Green Building & City solutions awards, an international competition designed to promote sustainable solutions involved in the fight against climate change.

This competition is addressed to contracting authority, architect, engineer, industrial, building company, promoter, manager and also building user who want to enhance sustainable buildings, solutions and eco-districts projects located  in the world.


The “building and city” projects have to fit in one of those following categories:


The award ceremony will take place during the COP 22 in Marrakech in November, during which the laureates will benefit from the international media coverage. A professional video of each laureate’s work will be offered to the winners and massively share on internet.


Registration are open until July, 3rd, 2016 on the Construction 21 website